Welcome to the Challenge. Embrace the Challenge.

What to Expect  

Located below you will find a brief description of how the challenge will be broken down. The goal of this challenge is to create good habits, discard bad habits, and fight off the pandemic that we have all dealt with. 

Pillar 1: Cardiovascular Health

 Cardiovascular health refers to the overall fitness and well-being of the heart. One of the best things we can do to benefit our heart health is to participate in various forms of aerobic exercise. Not only does cardio strengthen and improve the well-being of the heart, but it also improves mental health, naturally boosts your energy, and helps your immune system.  

Pillar 2: Nutrition

Nutrition is a science that explains the different properties in food relating to the growth, reproduction, and overall maintenance of an organism. Nutrition is about eating a healthy and balanced diet that provides the body with the nutrients it needs for everyday function. Having a healthy diet and proper nutrition can help maintain a proper weight and reduce the risk of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Proper nutrition can also reduce the risk of having high blood pressure, and it can lower high cholesterol. It can improve well-being; it can help the body fight against illnesses, improve your recovery time, and increase your energy level.  

Pillar 3: Muscular Strength/ Endurance/ Flexibility/ Neuromotor control

Every individual has different fitness goals that they want to achieve. There are multiple avenues you can pursue when increasing your overall fitness. Muscular strength focuses primarily on the amount of weight that can be lifted. Endurance focuses primarily on the amount of reps or length of time spent doing an exercise. We’ll also cover neuromotor control, which is how your nervous system coordinates each and every move you make. And lastly, flexibility, focuses on the lengthening and stretching of muscles to increase their range of motion. Throughout this challenge, we’ll be able to cover all of your needs when it comes to bettering yourself physically.  

Pillar 4: Mindfullness

As busy individuals in this rapidly changing and stressful world we live in, it’s really easy to lose touch with ourselves. It can be extremely beneficial to take a step back and bring our attention to the present moment. When most people think of mindfulness, they probably visualize someone doing some type of meditation exercise. Mindfulness can be meditation, but it is so much broader than this and can actually be practiced anytime, anywhere. Practicing mindfulness not only improves our physical health, but also our mental health and overall well-being.